Halo MCC: The comeback, and exactly how to do it

(WARNING: MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT BELOW)Quick catch up if you don't know about the infamous Halo MCC: Supposed to be a masterpiece collection of halo games, 343 launched a broken product and never bothered to fix it outside of making it playable after 6 months. Game never recovered its population which died in weeks. Game is still buggy as shit.So, 343 has reported that Halo MCC will be getting a 4k update along with fixes to the game (since it is still broken)Now, I'm personally glad that the MCC is getting a fix so that we can experience the masterpiece this game is, but this game suffers from 2 glaring problems: population and playlists (no ranked, social, etc)POPULATIONLet's deal with the first problem: population. This game is going to be 4 years old when the update releases. Nobody is buying this game anymore.This game needs at least 40k - 60k players active since it has 5 games in it, divided by playlists.There's only one way to bring back players to the game: the multiplayer, custom games, forge and theatre mode should be available to all Xbox Live Gold Members. If a person stops his/her Gold membership, access is revoked.This cab also help for marketing xbox gold (Join xbox live gold and test the multiplayer experience with The Master Chief Collection) and also helps the Halo brand and for players who like the classic halo gameplay.This surge of new players would allow 343 to fix the second problem: playlistsPLAYLISTSCurrently in Halo MCC, only Team Slayer, Halo 3, Big Team Battle and Action Sack have active players. On a good day Halo CE/2, Snipers and SWAT might be playable. Regardless, every halo match goes like thisEither Red or Blue team completely destroys the other team. Massive rage quitting involvedGame loads up a 2v2 because half the lobby didn't get what they wanted or their game crashed.You play the same map and gametype over and over again. BTB and Slayer at this point might as well be Halo 3.Everyone is a noob so the match doesn't get to the half way mark before the timer is up. God forbid its a 15 - 20 minute marker on big team battle and the gamemode is objective based, double points if its ARs spawn on AvalancheWith the current playlists, you barely experience each game's multiplayer.This is how I propose the multiplayer should be dividedSocialRankedCustomsPossible 4th mode, if MCC has a lot of players.RANKEDNo guests allowedRank systemJoin in progress disabledLeaving games penalty systemno splitscreen on lone wolvesHALO CETeam Slayer Team Objective Lone Wolves if possible Team Doubles MLG if possibleHALO 2Team Slayer Team Objective Lone Wolves Team Doubles Swat Team Snipers MLGHALO 3Team Slayer Team Objective Lone Wolves Team Doubles Swat Team Snipers MLGHALO 4Team Slayer Team Objective Lone Wolves Team Doubles Swat Team Snipers MLGVoting system:Gamemode/ variations such as BRs or ARs spawns are picked first Halo Reach system with 4 options, 4 more replacing the first four if none is selected. Halo 2 has 2 maps for A and 2 maps for classic.Bullets and melees are not counted as friendly fire.In case population is low in Ranked, the following changes occur. Playlists changes don't have to affect all playlists, example if only halo 2 Team Slayer and Objective are experiencing problems then you only tweak those.RANK SYSTEMNew rank is created that doesnt replace normal rank placement. This new rank mixes up ranks for an average (Example, Slayer rank + Objective rank = Average Team Arena rank). This rank doesnt affect the normal rank, so you won't be losing your precious rank.Halo CETeam Arena (Slayer + Objective) Team Doubles/Small Action where team doubles and lone wolves are combined. Lone wolves is reduced to 4 players. Team SnipersHALO 2Team Arena (Slayer + Objective) Team doubles/small action where doubles and lone are combined. Lone play with 4 players. Team Precision (Snipers + SWAT)HALO 3Team Arena (Slayer + Objective) Team doubles/small action where doubles and lone are combined. Lone play with 4 players. Team Precision (Snipers + SWAT)HALO 4Team Arena (Slayer + Objective) Team doubles/small action where doubles and lone are combined. Lone play with 4 players. Team Precision (Snipers + SWAT)MLG (All halo games combined)MLG Team Objective MLG Team Precision MLG Small Action/MLG Doubles and MLG Lone WolvesSOCIALGuests are allowed. -Preference system in which you order the halo games from top pick to bottom pick.Join in progress allowed.Preference SystemPlayers are matched through their preferences If my number 1 preference is halo 3, I will match players who have h3 as their 1 preference. If not, to my 2nd preference.If there are 10 players in a lobby, where 4 players have h3 as their 1, 2 players with halo 2, 3 players with halo CE and 1 player with halo 4, 4 maps are selected at random. Since halo 3 had the most picks, 2 maps are for halo 3, 1 for halo ce and the last map between halo 2 or halo 4. If there a tie or people vote the none of this option, then the game with the most preferences keep 2 maps (but different ones), the 3rd map has a different map but the same previously selected halo game. The last map is selected from the game that was not chose the earlier round.Matchmaking can at times pick a game that had little to no preferences to make sure everyone gets to play their gameSocial Slayer(5v5). All halo games combined, only playlist without the preference system. Map and gamemode (BR or AR starts) votingSocial Skirmish (5v5) Map and gamemode votingSuper Fiesta (5v5). Map voting All weapons from all halos in one matchBig Team Battle (8v8). Map and gamemode votingMulti Team (3v3v3v3 or 2v2v2v2v2v2) Map voting. Gamemode voting between 4 options: 3v3v3v3 slayer, 3v3v3v3 objective, 2v2v2v2v2v2 slayer or 2v2v2v2v2v2 objectiveRumble Pit (8 players) Map and gamemode voting.Action Sack (10 players or 5v5) Map and gamemode votingSuper Slayer (5v5 or 10 players) Kills give you power ups (Speed boost, Damage Boost, Invisibility, Overshield, etc) Maybe power weapons too xdInfectionGriffballNow, if population becomes a problem (Not all playlists need to change, if Rumble Pit and Multi Team are the only ones having problems, put those in small action and keep the rest the same. Preference system could be disabled for those too only)Preference system disabledSocial SlayerInfectionGrifball and Super Slayer added to Action SackSocial SkirmishBig Team BattleSmall action (8 players or 2v2v2v2)I will later add what gamemodes can be in Rumble Pit, Multi Team, BTB, etc.CUSTOM GAMESServer browser. Trending, new, popular, highest rated, friends tabs. In game forum to look for players Random matchmaking that joins you to a random custom game.4th possible mode for a stream of income to support the game and maybe add the rest of Halo w Anniversary maps, paid or free dlc.Warzone from Halo 5. 9v9 BTB. Gameplay reqs that change the gameplay ONLY affect Big Team BattlePeople who are only playing Halo MCC Multiplayer through the free version can not change their armor. Buying the game/buying cosmetic dlc is the only way to change appearance ingame.So, if you made it this far: what do you think? I might add or edit some things in the post.Wrote this on a phone lmao via /r/Games http://ift.tt/2DDCvVz
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