Monthly /r/Games Discussion - February 2018 gaming news review and recap

Let's talk about this month's highlights in the industry and video game releases!Did a specific piece of news surprise you? Is there an obscure game that released this month that didn't get much attention on /r/Games? What do you hope for or expect will happen in the coming months? Talk about whatever.I'll keep this thread up for a couple of days until it gets auto-replaced by Free Talk Friday.Major submissions: news, rumors, trailers for upcoming gamesRed Dead Redemption 2 is Coming October 26th 2018 - Rockstar Games - /u/IceBlast24 - Most upvoted post this monthH1Z1’s Player Base Has Declined by 91% Since PUBG and Fortnite Took Over - /u/Another4MilosFar Cry 5 season pass will take you to Vietnam and Mars - also includes Far Cry 3 - /u/LaborIs4PlebsMonster Hunter World Is Now the Fastest Selling Game in Capcom's History - /u/Sir_DarknessCD Projekt RED is registered for E3 2018 - /u/bronzin54Riot is now publishing the drop rates for League of Legend's loot boxes - /u/PerfectionismTechKingdom Hearts III D23 Expo Japan 2018 trailer - /u/DemiFiendRSA(Rumor) Metal Gear Solid HD Collection might be coming to PS4 - /u/will-dearborn - False info from a typoVAMPYR will release on June 5th! - /u/RevolutionDoctorHideki Kamiya confirms Bayonetta 3 is a go and production start - /u/ImMyOwnGrandadVideo game releases: announcements, review threads, articles, videosPC Gamer: It's refreshing to play an unimportant dork in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - /u/strifecrossPS4 exclusive Shadow of the Colossus tops UK chart, exceeds original PS2 launch sales by 73% • - /u/SputnikiMetal Gear Survive flops at UK retail • - /u/PanicOnRedditDynasty Warriors 9 - The Worst Dynasty Warriors Game Ever Made (Jimpressions) - /u/WasabiIceCreamChrono Trigger releases on Steam today - /u/LordMandersFINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE is now available on Steam - /u/Turbostrider27Payday 2 Nintendo Switch Edition - Review Thread - /u/KaladinarSecret of Mana - Launch Trailer | PS4 - /u/Turbostrider27Bayonetta 1+2 (Switch) | Review Thread - /u/VincentOfGallifreyFe - Review Thread - /u/ShalieMost upvoted self-post submissionsHas any game in history made such a massive successful pivot as Fortnite? - /u/SavePoonermanNo sequel planned for Rainbow Six Siege. Active player-base still growing. - /u/URZ_Loot box legislation established in the state of Hawaii - /u/DeusXVentusActivision Blizzard makes 4 billion USD in microtransaction revenue out of a 7.16 billion USD total in 2017 (approx. 2 billion from King) - /u/DeusXVentusAnyone experience that the idea of playing something is much more enticing than actually doing it ? - /u/lowbeatReminder: Demon's Souls will be going offline permanently at the end of this month. - /u/ Founder and VR Developer Hugh Hancock Dies - /u/KubeKing4556Gamers who play the same single player game for 300+ hours - what are you doing in-game? - /u/roastduck2310Why aren’t there more games based on books? - /u/BarnhardWhich game "failure" bothered/bewildered you the most? - /u/BurnedRopeThank you to /u/keyblader6 for suggesting this idea in the daily threads suggestions post!/r/Games has a Discord server! Come join us and say hi! via /r/Games
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