Gaming In The Shower - The Future of Watersports? Thoughts & experiences on playing your favorite game under a stream of hot water

So I made sure to perform a Reddit search for this topic, but surprisingly found it had not been made before. I'll pioneer this trail. What I'm about to lay out will likely change your life.Water Gaming And YouI know I'm not alone in wishing there was a better way to game while being massaged by hot water. Think about how terrible you feel when you have to stop grinding your deer hunting in FarCry 5 just to clean your body-- that pickup truck with a .50 cal on the back ain't gonna buy itself. I'll outline the best ways to hop in the shower while simultaneously hopping into your favorite game. The list of shower-playable games will only continue to grow with time and as developers begin creating games with watersports in mind.Continue only if you have your priorities straight.My Current Gaming SetupI'll begin by saying that I tried to set up a monitor on a shampoo shelf with some command tape and the cables going out to my Xbox, but it ended up falling in the middle of an Overwatch map and the shock caused permanent tissue damage to my foot. This means monitors (and any display device in general) are a big no-no for shower gaming. Throw that out the window and don't even think about putting any gaming hardware in your shower.Since you can't see the game you are playing, shower gaming is an audio only experience and thus should not be too heavily biased towards visuals. I typically turn the TV and Xbox on in the living room, open my preferred game, and crank the volume to max so I can hear the game itself over the cascading sound of the water hitting my back, neck, and ears. It works wonderfully and has only a small learning curve.Here's my preferred shower gaming setup. I use a waterproof bag sealed over the top of my controller so I don't have to purchase a new one after each gaming session. Please note that the bag gets in the way of properly controlling most games, so try not to play anything too reliant on using a controller. If anyone has a better suggestion, you're probably wrong and it won't work.Once you start doing this, you'll never miss another minute of primetime game time.List Of Watersport Shower Approved GamesForza Horizons (steering issues need be worked out, map must be memorized)Flower (unable to complete campaign)Please comment with more games that you can experience this phenomenon with so this list can be expanded.Thoughts? Any recommendations to update my shower battle station? Where my shower gamers at? via /r/Games
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