We're almost 5 years into this console generation, and Xbox One still doesn't have a break-out new AAA IP

For me personally, this generation overall has been underwhelming when pertaining to Xbox One. So much so that I ended up selling my X1 last August. I thought Sea of Thieves would be the game to get me back on the boat, but that ship sailed and sank. With that said, I'm going to wait until E3 to see if I should re-invest, and purchase an Xbox One X. I understand that State of Decay 2 is the next "big" game, which definitely looks promising, however I'm still not completely sold.Now when I look over to the competition, I see that PS4 has had Bloodborne and Horizon Zero Dawn as break-out new AAA IPs, with more potentially coming down the pipeline. Nintendo don't have much, but they've been doing just fine with Mario and Zelda; Nintendo always seem to reinvent the wheel with their games, so it's not merely just regurgitated. They're having huge success right now with the Switch.Now to MS with the X1. They've released Sunset Overdrive, Ryse Son of Rome, Quantum Break, Recore and the most recent Sea of Thieves. What do these games have in common? They've all commercially flopped (SoT is yet to be seen, but it's future looks bleak).I'm sure many of you are very happy with what MS have provided this generation, and to that I say good for you. I don't mean to piss on anyone's parade, however for me personally it's been rather abysmal.I hope at this year's E3, MS will once again captivate me and reinvigorate my interest in the Xbox brand. via /r/Games https://ift.tt/2Ihg22Y
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