Grand Theft Auto IV is 10 years old today. How does it hold up 10 years later and what are your favourite memories from the game?

This game has been paramount in my love for gaming since I was younger, I played GTA's prior but this was the first one that properly engaged me, maybe because of the more realistic world it made it feel more at stakes and I wanted to actually follow the story and pay attention to my surroundings, rather than just stick on the flying car cheat and mess around like in SA. I could always go back to IV and find myself just walking around the streets, or playing random missions from whatever save I had. Oftentimes I'd forget to even save the game, meaning next time I played I was still on the same mission (Do You Have Protection?) but I love all the side characters and world interaction so much that it was never a problem.10 years on it holds up well in some ways, the story is still amazing and I believe more relevant than ever, the false american dream and the hardships that follow in being conned by it. The graphics aren't all that bad, and the world created by Rockstar is still one of the more detailed ones that can beat even some games released in the past few years.GTA IV is a visceral game, one to be remembered for years to come as a classic, and completely raised the bar for open world story driven games.How do you all feel reflecting back? via /r/Games
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