iPhone chargers: A true love story

So you get your brand new iPhone and right out of the box it looks like god above is giving you his best creation known to man. A quote from someone at my local Verizon store, “Every time a new iPhone gets open, an angel gets its wings”. You admire the sleek design and are in complete awe of your recent purchase. For the first month you treat the device like your child; cleaning it everyday, trying to make the screen as clean as you can, but to no avail it somehow becomes dirty. You research the best case for you phone, acting like it’s some super-max prison that will protect it at all cost.Another month goes by and you start to notice the that your precious lightning cable has started to malfunction. You twist and bend the cord and it works for a couple of days, but then a week goes by and the charger completely stops working. Fueled with frustration, you go to your local gas station to look for the closest thing to Apple’s version of the lightning cable. You spend 20+ dollars on this high tech, top of the line braided cable that claims to have none of the problems the dearest company Apple has. You plug it in and it works. Eureka!Not even a week goes by and your special ops version 2.0 non slip braided cable breaks. You’re beyond pissed. To make yourself feel better, you decide to create your own charger with some cable and wire you found in your basement. You spend hours on end making everything perfect, being careful not to fuck this one up.Ah the moment of truth. You plug it in crossing your fingers that it will hold it’s charge and be the best little charger you’ve ever lazily made. It charges for 20 seconds, then sparks. Your phone goes black, and you now don’t have an iPhone. You have a 1000 dollar piece of hot metal with no insurance because you thought it was a waste of money. via /r/tech https://ift.tt/2vlC6EN
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