Star Citizen CEO Chris Roberts reverses Citizencon ticket price decision. All current backers can watch presentation for free. sleeping on this, I am going to chalk this one up to experience.We're going to cut back on the live-streaming crew / costs but have both stages streamed for anyone with a Star Citizen user account.Star Citizen Content Creators are welcome to rebroadcast our stream live.If you would like to support the additional costs of streaming all the presentations, you can support the show by purchasing the CitizenCon digital goodies package (Imperators still get this as their October flair)In case you aren't caught up:Cloud Imperium games (Developer of Star Citizen) announced that Citizencon would be $20 to buy an "E-Ticket" to watch the Citizencon presentation live. Youtube uploads would, of course, be free after the live broadcast.The outcry from the community was heard, and Chris Roberts (CEO of CIG) releases a statement, and stated that the keynote and ending would be free (live) for current backers.This brings us up to current, with this post. via /r/Games
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