RDO is so, so much worse than GTAO

It’s laughable that all the immersion that went into single player is out the window in the name of pay-to-win multiplayer.You can’t steal horses and break them as your own, even from the wild; at least in GTA:O we could steal cars off the street and make them our ownYou can’t rob store owners; you can open fire in the bar, but only the patronsIncome rates are maybe 1/100th what they were in SP, and item costs are nearly 10x higher, and far out of proportion by both 1899 and 2018 standards. There's also non-cosmetic items that can only purchased through micro-transactions, something we'd never've seen in GTAO.Upkeep costs for a shoddy camp and a stable I don’t useWhat they’ve basically done is created a half baked version of Westworld where the guests have too many arbitrary rules and restrictions to ever feel immersed in the setting, but pay out the nose for the privilege to be there. I honestly hope this fails so we could see something more like what the R* PS3 games had for online in GTA VI. via /r/Games https://ift.tt/2PaZA7n
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