X4 Foundations has Released

Sorry there isn't a ton of news covering this that I could find.https://ift.tt/2zwUVro is Egosoft's next installment which hopes to fair better after X Rebirth. There were quite a few live streams going on yesterday of a Beta build. One of which I watched for awhile, I noticed the game locked up once on ObsidianAnt's channels, and he said this was the first time it happened after about 10 hours of playing. The game seemed to play fairly well, but this was only one specific instance.The initial impression of mine was this was a more up-to-date X3, but it's hard to say until more people jump into it.I've been a huge fan of the X Series and I felt like X3 was one of the best space sims of its time. I'm excited for X4.EDIT: I'll throw in a couple of extra resources people can check out.https://ift.tt/2PaJWc8 https://ift.tt/2zssZVR ObsidianAnt Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlnUEFlyXrA via /r/Games https://ift.tt/2QzDCQB
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