How come when EA publishes a bad game, people blame EA, but when they publish a good game, people praise the developers?

Is EA really a bad publisher and some developers just get lucky and manage to not make a bad game with EA breathing down their neck? Or are these developers just not up to snuff and cant handle the pressure EA puts on them? Or was the game always going to be bad regardless of EA?I see everyone blaming EA for the failure of Anthem, but at the same time, not a word about EA in regards to the success of Apex Legends. Or Titan Fall or Titan Fall 2. All the praise goes towards Respawn Entertainment. I get it, they make good games. But EA was their publisher, so how did they succeed where so many others supposedly fail because of EA?Maybe I just don't know enough about this topic, and maybe it's a case by case basis where the more EA is involved the more likely the game is to be a commercial or reviewed failure.Is EA really that bad, or do people just jump on the hate train and blame EA when a game does badly because their the easy target? via /r/Games
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