[Discussion] After seeing the negative effects of smartphones on society and how phone-centric we've become, do you think the inventors of the smartphone would regret it?

I've held this question for a while now, and I just thought it would be an interesting discussion topic.(My opinion:) Smartphones are amazing machines, and have truly changed society forever. They've connected people, helped us find information, and are convenient. In my opinion, that's where the good things end. Smartphones were supposed to assist with our life, not be it. People are addicted to their phones. "I'll just scroll through my friend's Instagram, when he's right in front of me and we could have a meaningful conversation right now." The average American spends up to 11 hours on their phone. Not many people realize this, but smartphones are really ruining the economy. For example, People are too lazy to go to actual brick -and-mortar places anymore because of their MOBILE phones. (Don't agree with me? I bet you a crisp five that there won't be any physical stores left in 15 years.) Look how quick these stores which are important parts of the local economy are dying. Sears, Bed Bath And Beyond... There's still buildings left there. Unsold merchandise. Thousands of unemployed. It's almost as if smartphones ARE attached to a landline for some people. Get out. See some sun. It's okay to buy stuff off the internet but physical stores and businesses are truly the back bone of the local community... People are obscenely lazy. What happened to actually talking to people? Human interaction is important. I recommend reading 'The Fun They Had'. It really makes you think about the value of human interaction. Get off your phone. Enjoy quality time with your kids. Or parents. Because when you spend so much time buried in your phone you never have time to spend with the people you love while you still canThese aren't the only reasons smartphones are bad.. just think how things have changed and I'm sure you'll see plenty of negative effects.If you think I'm some annoying old guy who says 'back in my day', nope. I'm a teenager. A teenager who has a mild hate of smartphones. Dated? Yes. I still use DVDs and CDs...When in moderation, smartphones are great devices but human nature is to get obsessive with things. Sorry for a long, annoying post, but that's why I think the original inventors of smartphones probably regret it. If it was my choice, we'd still be using RAZRs and BlackBerries... via /r/tech http://bit.ly/2GTUgVc
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