Deus Ex Randomizer - now randomizing enemies, positions of items/crates/boxes/NanoKeys/Datacubes, passwords for computers and keypads, augmentations in canisters, costs of skills, and more! Also includes Autosave

Options Screen the DeusEx.u file into your Deus Ex\System\ folder, which is probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex\SystemRecommended to use it with Kentie's Deus Exe Launcher, or Han's LauncherCurrently in v1.3, DXRando randomizes enemies, the exp costs for skills, changing the locations of items/boxes/NanoKeys/Datacubes around the map, randomizing passwords and passcodes, and changing what augmentations are in each canister. You can also reduce the drop rate for ammo, multitools, lockpicks, medkits, and bioelectric cells. There are also settings for starting the game with the running speed augmentation, autosave, removing invisible walls, making all doors that normally require a key also lockpickable/destructible, and making all keypads hackable.For the randomized passwords, you can copy-paste from the Goals/Notes screen. via /r/Games
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