School Project help! Sharing economy for internet connectivity?

Hello. I'm working on a school project where we are required to come up with a disruption towards the broadband/5g industry. We are researching the possibilities into creating a large scale sharable "smart" wifi-network, which instead of achieving higher speeds/reliability through building more cables/5g antennas, would instead improve internet connectivity via bandwidth sharing to imrpove efficiency (like a smart energy grid). So maybe if I'm not at home, my network connection can provide additional bandwidth to my neighbors, and vice versa. Furthermore, if one side of the neighborhood loses internet connectivity, our side can pick up the slack. Is this a crazy idea? Is there any data or terminology you'd recommend I would research, or could share, that I could look into? I didn't know where to ask so I figured I'd post here for starters. Thanks guys. I've seen a "mesh network" associated with this idea but im not sure if thats the right term. via /r/tech
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