Why is there is no similar improvements with the AI in games, like what the graphics have?

I played Spider-Man PS5 and have this question after playing it. I don't know anything about AI, how they're programmed or anything. So this is a genuine question out of curiousity.I played Spider-Man 2 PS2 occasionally, and I remember the opponents in this game gave me a challenge to defeat them and after countless playthrough I still get beaten if I don't pay attention. They dodge, they gank up, they throw stuffs when I'm airborne or on a higher ground.In Spider-Man PS5 however(and also PS4 if I think about it), the AI, well the AI sucks. Now I'm not saying these games are bad, it's good I love them. I'm just wondering, we had back then blocky 3d graphics in game and a decade later we have this highly realistic 3d graphics, the graphics levelled up is what I'm trying to say.But after the same decade the AI doesn't get that level up. In the Spider-Man PS5 alone, the AIs are puzzled if I'm on the high ground with no access for the AI to get there, like poles. Some enemies can jump to where I am, but sometimes they jump back down when I corner them, making them jump back and forth.Anyway I'm not gonna write too much, I know this post gonna get downvoted to 0 after a few minutes. Thanks if you're reading this.I'd like to share a video from videogamedunkey that also represent my question. Starts at min 2:21, it's from a different game though via /r/Games https://ift.tt/36iZGWp
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