Games with mechanics like STALKER’s "Emission," Dying Light’s "nightfall," Metro Exodus’ "Caspian Sandstorms"

Some of my favorite moments in gaming have been while I was racing for refuge from an impending STALKER emission, while all the AI do the same. Sprinting to the nearest safe house while I’m radioed that night is falling in Dying Light, so as to avoid crapping myself from being chased by Night Hunters again. Fleshed out a bit more, it would be cool to have to hurry to cover in Metro Exodus before getting caught up in a radioactive sandstorm while running empty on filters. In any case, to quote Ewan Wilson’s RockPaperShotgun article, "Exodus’ sandstorms — where the wind howls and caused the foundations of buildings to tremble — I always feel inclined to scramble towards the nearest sanctuary." Having a limited timeframe to carry out your looting and objectives while the coming danger lingers in the back of your mind makes for some tense gameplay moments. Does anyone have any suggestions of other games with similar mechanics? via /r/Games
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