What does everyone think about the Outriders demo?

It has been a couple days since the demo dropped and I was wondering what other people thought about it.Personally I think this game is a mess:Writing: Frankly it's awful. The story is terrible and makes little sense, the characters swing between super serious to comedy relief. I feel like my character goes from a damaged orphan who regrets what he had to do to survive to literal psychopath. I see people who say the story isn't meant to be taken serious but then why have characters who treat it seriously? At least with Borderlands we know that it isn't serious and the characters and writing reflect that.Gameplay: It reminds me of a mix between Mass Effect, Division and Anthem.The game features a major cover system that is poorly implemented with it being difficult to use and far more fun to play in the open; which becomes a huge issue since at higher difficulties you must use the cover system to survive. It's even worse when the games tagline is literally 'Cover is for cowards' so the game wants you to avoid using cover and use abilities to sustain yourself but every level is based around the cover system with walls and pillars littered all over the place that get in your way.The loot is mostly unimaginative but it does have a unique feature in that some weapons and armour have unique perks that boost your abilities which I actually really like! It expands on the available builds which appear to be quite varied already due to the multiple classes and big skill trees. The crafting system wasn't available in the demo so I can't speak about that but perhaps it adds something good to the loot pools.I only played Technomancer so not sure what other classes are like but the abilities are fun to play with but aren't overly unique or varied, I had a couple turret abilities and one that gives DOT damage.Couple this with an insane screen shake at almost every interaction, motion blur out the wazoo and cutscenes interrupting gameplay at an absolutely infuriating degree; I mean like 2 minutes of gameplay to have a 5 second cutscene as I open a door then to have another 2 minutes of gameplay then another minute of cutscenes, this is worst during the intro section but it is still really bad afterwards.I really don't think this game is good, there are times where I have a lot of fun with my abilities being placed correctly and my aiming is on point but it doesn't make up for the rest of the game. I know it's a 'AA' game and isn't really going to compete with Destiny or other games like it but considering this game is selling for £50 in my country I would expect a game that could compete with the big boys. I dread to think how much money Square Enix is going to lose coming off the back of the Avengers failure.Saying this, I had literally 0 bugs or any significant performance issues so I think everyone should try it. I was 60FPS 2560x1440 on Ultra and I didn't really notice any big stuttering at any point but it is hard to tell with the massive screen shake sometimes.Sorry about the wall of text, I am just shocked this game is selling for AAA pricesSo what do ya'll think? via /r/Games https://ift.tt/3kuLHSQ
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