How Korean Baseball Series was live-streamed over 5G in 8K VR

Korean baseball fans were pretty lucky to have another way during COVID-19 pandemic to watch the 2020 Korean Series playoff games live in 8K VR, comfortably at home.One of the biggest telecoms in Korea and a VR content provider made this thing happen. Here's how they approached this VR live streaming project:Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6VR Camera: Insta360 TITANStitching Platform: Insta360 8K LiveBroadcasting system: Voysys ProducerDistribution: Media ServerDistribution: Viewport ServerTerminals: Mobile App / HMD AppIt was a successful project and overall it was well-received by content subscribers. They liked this format of immersive experience. And due to COVID-19, there will be many opportunities for VR live streaming in other areas, like VR concerts and other sports games.Source: First 5G 8K VR Live Stream of Korean Baseball Series Uses Insta360 8K Live via /r/tech
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