So Psychonauts 2 has been out for a week now. How is everyone feeling about it?

Personally this is a top contender for GOTY for me. I was a fan of the first one and they took everything good from the 1st and just made it all better without ruining anything.The level design is just top notch on all accords. All the absolutely unique levels that you play in this game is just wonderful. The team really outdid themselves with all of it. Everyone's heads completely different(Just like in the original).Music in this game is also great and adds a lot to it. It blends perfectly from one section to another and at no time did I feel that a song or track feel out of place or ruin a level for me. It's got a bit of everything going on musical wise. You have sections of rock, orchestra, and kids choir.One of the best parts of the original, outside of the levels, are the characters and I'm happy that they were able to create some good characters in this one. The original Psychonauts crew is very interesting and you get a WHOLE lot more backstory on all of them and the agency in general. The kids in the internship with you are also all unique and some of them really shine, specifically Sam for me.I can see this game winning a good amount of awards this year and wouldn't be surprised to see it in GOTY talks for a lot of people. via /r/Games
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