I made a game about cleaning sea in 7 days! (#TeamSeas)

I made a game about cleaning sea in 7 days! #TeamSeas.(Youtube video link))So 2 years ago mr beast created event called #teamtrees, and it was most successful event of the YouTube. after that now mr beast and mark rober came up with an idea where they going to clean 30M tons of trash from the sea for that they created a event called #TeamSeas,where all of the youtube creators coming together to save the animal life of the ocean.Even I am a small youtuber I decided to be a part of it. So I am going to create trash cleaning simulator game for this event for that I used unity software.First I started with box prototyping as usual and then I created a character controller for the game. After that I created a pickup system, so now player can pick object, throw it and interact with it. After Creating a basic mechanics I created low poly environment assets using blender. Then I imported it into unity and arranged it.Then I created a water for sea and created some floating objects based on rigidbody. So now the main objective of the game is to collect trash and dump into trash container. For each trash item you will get some coins.I created a shop where player can buy tools using coins. Using this tools help player to collect trash faster.Player has to dump 300000 trash into the container to complete the mission. It was a great experience creating a game in 7 days. There might be some bugs, Sorry ;)Donate at : https://teamseas.org/ Let's do this together!→ Download TeamSeas Game : https://arkhive-studio.itch.io/teamseas→ Download My Other Games:https://ift.tt/3EsYLkp via /r/Games https://ift.tt/3CvbtyI
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