We're AkaBaka and DreadXP, the team behind horror-comedy dating sim Sucker For Love: First Date. Ask Us Anything!

Hello r/games!We are AkaBaka, the developer behind Sucker For Love: First Date, and DreadXP, the publisher.Combining horror, comedy, and romance into a single package, Sucker For Love: First Date is a one of a kind experience. You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll fall for a squid girl! You'll end the world just for a smooch! Things will get R'lyeh weird.A shorter version of the game was originally part of Dread X Collection 2 and after being one of the standout hits of that collection we decided to spin it into a full game. Its been an exciting journey making art, writing, and getting it all together into a single package. The reception for the game has been incredible and we've been having a fantastic time watching streamer reactions and players enjoying their new eldritch loves.So we're here for you to ask us anything! Got questions about best girls? Want to ask how certain situations were created? Need to know about the future of the game? Heard rumors of an entity named Sam and want those rumors dispelled? We'll be here to answer!Some extra links:Sucker for Love: Prelude is the original version of the game that was part of Dread X Collection 2. Just now it's free, so you can give it a shot.Chromatose is the other game that developer AkaBaka is currently working on, if you want more indie visual novel goodness to keep an eye on.There's a Dread XP Publisher Bundle on Steam where you can check out our other published games. via /r/Games https://ift.tt/3o1x50s
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