All curator groups that targeted BROK the InvestiGator game with fake negative reviews and allegedly were using the groups to obtain keys to resell have been banned for violating Steam Community Rules.

You might have read about this issue from my previous post in here: in the twitter thread by the developer here: were also news posted in several sites covering this situation.Well, just as an update it seems that Steam has acted and has removed all the groups that targeted the game with fake negative reviews to hurt the game and also all the other curator groups that were managed by the profile that was the owner of all these curators, even if they didn't post a negative review of the game.Trying to open any of the groups greets you with the following message:This group has been removed for violating the Steam Community Rules and Guidelines.9 curator groups that were used to post negative reviews and also other 11 curator groups managed by the owner of these groups were banned for a total of 20 curator groups being bannedThanks to everyone for sharing the story and supporting the dev u/bretonf in their game and I'm glad to see that Steam acted to improve this situation. via /r/Games
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