DarkTide - State of the Game 2 Days Before Official Launch

With the release of WH40K DarkTide literally two days from now, I wanted to share my experience with anyone interested in getting into it if they haven't already, and offer this bit of advice if you're thinking about getting it on release day:Don't.This game is nowhere near ready to play in its current state. Many features that are an integral part of the game, such as crafting, won't be fully released until December at the earliest. Some weapons, such as the Pergatus staff for the Psyker, will instantly crash the game when used. This issue has been reported by many people as far back as a week ago from what I can tell. The game will crash randomly throughout a match, sometimes at the very end of a mission so that you'll get denied any rewards. IO devices will disconnect randomly for 10 - 15 seconds at a time. I've personally finished only a handful of missions without at least one game crash, and with two level 30's and a handful of level 15's it's fair to say that I've played a lot of missions. The issues I've mentioned have only gotten worse over time. It's glaringly obvious that this game is in no way ready to release, and I can't in good conscience recommend anyone get it in the state it's in now. I had a better experience playing Cyberpunk 2077 on launch than I have with Darktide.The breaking point for me, and the reason I decided to write this post, is that I couldn't even start a game today without the game crashing. Bear in mind that the official release is in two days. I have absolutely no faith that issues this serious will be fixed by then.Paying for half-finished games is a practice that needs to stop. I was guilty of it for Darktide and it bit me in the ass. Don't make the same mistake I did. Wait for FatShark to provide a playable game before buying. via /r/Games https://ift.tt/iF5tjTS
