Does the practice of using In-Game currencies with a skewed exchange rate to abstract the user from the value of real money have a name??
I am studying the psychology behind microstransactions and of the techniques used to push players into becoming payers. Its both incredibly interesting and daunting what is being done.However, among all the literature I cannot seem to find a name(s) for the practice(s) of using an in-game currency with a skewed or hard to process exchange rate (to real world money) to act as a layer between real world money and in-game expenditure. This is usually done so the player will find it hard to evaluate how much they are spending on a purchase in-game in terms of real world money.Does anyone more learned know whether this practice or psychological effect being taken advantage of here has a name?I have seen it labelled as low transparency but it doesn't quite seem like an established term for the effect. via /r/Games
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