Games where you aren't the hero or villain, but a companion to the hero/villain or just an NPC trying to survive?

I play Skyrim more than I'd like to admit, and I had an idea for a dumb mod that would take way more effort than I care to put in: you are not the Dragonborn, but instead you bump into them at some point and become one of their followers. Or maybe you play as a member of the Stormcloaks or Imperials and witness the execution and attack on Helgen, then follow Ralof/Hadvar and the Dragonborn out.Are there any RPGs or otherwise story-driven games where you play as someone besides the hero or villain, and team up with them instead? The gameplay doesn't matter as much as the narrative, since you aren't the actual pro/antagonist, just someone trying to survive as a side character in someone else's story. via /r/Games
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