Final Factory - Never Games - Large scale automation game in space and the .16 Content Preview

Final Factory is a top down automation game set in space inspired by Factorio. I've been working on the game solo for nearly 5 years, and quit my job last year to go full time on it. Since then I've put together a small team and we are planning an EA launch later this year.Announcement Gameplay Trailer: store page: the Discord community: Content Preview: Fundamentals with the Developer: brings a long requested and awaited feature: movable stations. This feature allows you to attach rockets to any space station you've designed, and turn it into a space ship. Players will be able to automate station movement and repositioning, allowing for giant moving factories and automated combat and exploration missions.The .15 demo is still available to play so head over to the steam store to check out the game. We also have a lively discord community where you can sign up for the .16 playtest when it begins.We have many players with hundreds of hours in the full game, and some that have even dumped that much time into the demo alone! Final Factory is already a deep, fully featured mega-factory builder, and we can't wait to see what people do with the moving stations! via /r/Games
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