Strange Seed - Chronicle Games - “I can’t believe it’s not Spore” creature evolution RPG with a story!

Hey r/Games! Addressing the question we keep getting up front…Strange Seed is not a Spore successor, but it is creature evolution, with a semi-linear adventure, characters, a story, and a lot of challenges to adapt to!Steam page | Trailerand,a recent short video on how we're solving evolve problemsThis game is about making evolution meaningful. Choosing the best part is an optimization problem, just like equipment in an RPG (or maybe more accurately, in a Metroidvania).Being bigger and stronger trades off higher stamina spend and less jump / fly abilityEquipping a lot of natural weapons (claws, jaws, spiky tails, etc) trades off on defensive statsParts like climbing legs, wings, horns, or a long tongue are required to transit specific areas areasDemo!?I can’t wait to release a demo, we’re getting close and it’s super exciting! Follow us on Steam to get a notification for our demo :) But I wanted Spore 2!I always wished that creature evolution games were an actual genre, so I want to shout out some projects that actually are following up on Spore (feel free to comment any others):- Adapt: Elysian Eclipse: The Eternal Cylinder (actually, this is another oddball RPG): Thrive: via /r/Games
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